
We hope you read the first post in this series, which quickly examined the overall growth of digital fundraising, as predicted by The Next 10 Years in Digital Fundraising Report. Now let’s discuss the predicted increase in social media’s role.

Social media has already grown to be a powerhouse of donations and connectivity between constituents and the organizations they follow, but we wanted to know what nonprofit professionals thought about the future of social media’s role in fundraising. As it turns out, 85% of nonprofit professionals predict social media’s role in digital fundraising will increase.

It seems that most individuals, companies and nonprofits alike have a love-hate relationship with social media. Many nonprofits have shared concern over privacy issues and the declining ‘organic reach’ on Facebook, but clearly nonprofits see value in social media’s ability to connect them with supporters. We have tons of blogs that highlights some best practices for nonprofit social media use along with other tips, like this one.

These predictions are backed up by current industry trends, as shown in research compiled by Business 2 Community, which projects social media marketing budgets will double in just the next five years.

Even more evidence can be found in this year’s Giving Tuesday success, which was largely driven by strong social media efforts by several nonprofit organizations. The campaign had 32.7 million twitter impressions, an increase of more than three times the number received in 2013. Clearly the value of social media in digital fundraising gaining traction in the nonprofit sector, and it will be exciting to watch this channel continue to grow over the next decade. One of the factors that helps drive this trend is highlighted in our following post from The Next 10 Years blog series, about the increasing use of mobile devices.

Want to learn more about the first 10 years here at Charity Dynamics? Check out this infographic!