Apparently, at Charity Dynamics, we’re just a tad bit competitive. Okay, that’s not really a huge revelation but we did have this fact confirmed during our participation in the American Heart Association’s Dallas Heart Walk Digital Experience a few weeks ago.
Tracking Activity at The Heart Walk

Surprisingly intense competition — both internally and with other teams — resulted from our team members using one of our own products, specifically the activity tracking component of American Heart Association’s mobile fundraising app.
When it was all said and done, Team UFC (User Feedback Crew) — that’s us! — finished second in the event’s overall team activity standings with more than 3 million steps.
And our team of 22 people was much smaller than the first-place team, just sayin’!
Making It Our Own
As part of the week-long Heart Walk competition, our team members put the app through its paces in several ways to get a feel for how all of the tools and features work and provide feedback à la the team name — but most of all to have fun with the experience.
We asked team members to pick a personal nickname (shout out to “Boundless Bushman” – VP, Business Development Mariano Caceres – for “best nickname”), change their personal URL and send it to a friend or family member, and record steps through the app.

Bow To The Leader

Our team leaderboard on the app became a key focal point throughout the week as team members overtook each other in the rankings — including the top spot.
In the final count, Aleena Antonino took first in the standings with 424,172 steps.
Fierce Competition
Project Manager Becky Switalski, who earned the biggest takeover award, said it was “fun to see my progress and team hijinks” through the app.
And Mariano, who was second overall, marveled at how the activity tracking brought out people’s competitive nature, including his own. “I egged people on to post screenshots of their routes,” he said, so he could see how people were getting their steps in — so he could adjust his runs accordingly.
Not surprisingly, he was deemed “most competitive” by his peers.

Keep On Moving

Ultimately, the activity tracking app did what it was supposed to at the Heart Walk: It got people moving!
At the same time it helped bring about a strong sense of fun competition and camaraderie among our colleagues that made the Heart Walk experience something to look forward to and enjoy throughout the week. And if we came out of this with solid feedback and ideas to make the app even more comprehensive, then we say that’s a win in our book.