
Get in on IFE Success

Independent fundraising events (IFEs) can be a serious moneymaker for nonprofit organizations. Each year, IFEs are some of the most successful fundraising campaigns for organizations of all sizes and causes. While it’s a great idea to incorporate an IFE program into...

The Rise of the Mobile Wallet

With the rise of Apple Pay and near-field communication (NFC) technologies, the idea of a mobile wallet is becoming more widely used and accepted. Mobile commerce is expected to grow into a $119 billion industry by 2015, as smartphone and tablet adoption continues to...

Remarketing Solution

Reach potential fundraisers even after they’ve abandoned registration. We’ve had many clients come to us asking for a solution to reach individuals who start, but don’t finish a registration form. This problem is especially common in IFE programs. So many people...

Fundraising Tricks and Treats

Yep, we had to include a play on the fun past-time of ‘trick or treating.’ But, more importantly, we wanted to give you some super quick and helpful tricks to revive your nonprofit’s peer-to-peer fundraising and a way to offer your fundraisers a few treats, making...

Major Gifts 101

What exactly is a Major Gift? Major gifts will be different for every organization and are not just for a capital campaign. Major gifts should be a priority for every organization and can help build a diverse portfolio within an organization’s annual fund. Sustaining...