
5 Steps for a Successful Fundraiser

Guestblog written by Jeremy S, Vice President of Operations and Vehicle Dispatching, Goodwill Car Donations.   Charitable donations topped $358 billion in 2014, reports Giving USA. Don’t you want a little bit of that money going to your nonprofit or cause?...

5 Fun Ways to Use Technology to Say ‘Thanks’

Showing appreciation to your donors is incredibly important. In order for your organization to keep a strong relationship with them you need to show them some love! The typical hand-written “Thank You” card works, but if your looking for a more creative and personal...

Nonprofit Balancing Act

In order to maintain longevity as an organization, nonprofits must have a solid infrastructure in place to handle the demands and work of their organization. Sounds simple, but many nonprofits find it difficult to balance the expectations of their donors with the...