Save the Children – Marquee Email Testing

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the United States and around the world, they are fiercely dedicated to giving children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. In an effort to learn more about their email audience and further engage constituents, Save the Children partnered with Charity Dynamics for a series of email tests to discover what would inspire people more: general, positive campaign language or hard-hitting facts and need statements.
Project Details
Client Save the Children
Skills Strategy, Engagement, Fundraising

- Ensure statistically significant results that all teams could trust for a general versus hard-hitting language email test
- Lift key performance indicators for email (KPIs): open rate, click-through rate, amount raised, etc
- Prove theory to internal review teams that hard-hitting facts and statements would result in better performance
• Developed Marquee Email Testing Strategy that focused on one test carried through the three largest fundraising campaigns over a six-month period
• Organized strategy briefs and variant messaging in copy decks to easily inform multiple designs and builds that would bring the A/B test to life without the risk of scope creep
• Kept clear feedback and revision rounds to ensure hard-hitting/need language still received the stamp of approval from legal and branding teams

• Reached statistically significant results thanks to six months of data focused on ONE test in order to confidently conclude that hard-hitting copy did indeed have a direct impact not only on the decision to give but the amount of which the donor decided to give
• Amount Raised and Average Gift KPIs for launch were up 100% or more compared to control
• Allowed confidence in a global brand refresh that headed in same bold direction
• Able to focus on new marquee tests and further learnings with all review teams on the same page about language and tone