
Riley Children’s Foundation – Riley Dance Marathon

Project Description

Riley Dance Marathon is a multi-hour, multi-faceted fundraising event that brings students together for dancing, games, crafts, food, and fun. Participants are on their feet the entire duration of the marathon as they stand for the benefit of kids receiving treatment at Riley Children’s Hospital. However, while the event itself is lively and agile, as of spring 2016 the Dance Marathon website was still not responsive across all devices. Since this event has such a young demographic, it was especially crucial to bring the website up to date and improve usability, so Charity Dynamics worked with Riley to retrofit their existing TeamRaiser event configuration with a fully responsive wrapper.

Project Details

Client Riley Children’s Foundation
Skills Fundraising, Engagement
View https://www.rileykids.org/ways-to-fundraise/dance-marathons.html


  • Time and budget wouldn’t accommodate a full redesign; focus on making improvements to core functionality
  • Improve over-all UX and eliminate distractions from the user interface
  • To include full responsive capabilities to all TeamRaiser pages


  • Maintained the general aesthetic of the current site to keep within budget
  • Removed repetitive and confusing calls to action to create consistent navigation experience
  • Instituted best practices for layout of responsive pages
  • Utilized existing assets where ever possible


  • Cleaner, more contemporary look that maintains consistency with previous events
  • Clear path to register and donate
  • Smooth browsing experience on desktop, tablet and mobile devices

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