
Daniller & National Museum of Women in the Arts

Project Description

National Museum of Women in the Arts is dedicated exclusively to the exhibition, preservation and acquisition of works by women artists of all nationalities and periods. Charity Dynamics helped realize this mission with the creation of a single membership renewal form with tailored custom design and functionality to meets the needs of each membership level.

Project Details

Client National Museum of Women in the Arts
Skills UX Design, Technology
View engage.nmwa.org/2016


  • Working within the confines of the standard Blackbaud donation form functionality
  • Developing a stronger more intuitive user experience
  • Revamping the uninspired design of the previous renewal form
  • Creating a single form that speaks to multiple membership levels


  • Adopting a custom API form to break the confines and fully realize the UX and functionality
  • Conducting strategy sessions with the client and applying modern UX principles and best practices
  • Creating design mockups from scratch with thoughtful color, texture and layout promoting key calls to action while eliminating clutter
  • Developing a unified approach that also spoke to the specific needs and details of each membership level


  • Enhanced and more robust functionality
  • Creation of streamlined, easy-to-use form speaking directly to each user
  • A beautiful, modern new look to a previously outdated form
  • More user friendly experience for all membership levels and the details for each

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