
Moody Foundation

Project Description

The Moody Foundation has been a major philanthropic force in Texas since 1942. Founded “to benefit in perpetuity present and future generations of Texans,” the Foundation has funded countless projects encompassing community development, healthcare and human services, education, fine arts, children’s issues and more. As (mostly) Texans ourselves, Charity Dynamics was honored to work with the Moody Foundation to complete a responsive website redesign that more fully communicates their grant making, signature projects and long history of success. Building on the WordPress platform, we designed a clear and concise site using a responsive theme with several added customization’s.

Project Details

Client Moody Foundation
Skills Strategy, UX Design
View moodyf.org


  • Establish better recognition and help ensure brand consistency across various digital and offline properties.
  • Educate the public on the community impact of the Moody Foundation by highlighting its mission and major areas of funding, increasing visibility of recent grants and by featuring outstanding projects or grantees.
  • Streamline the application process for grants and scholarships by clearly stating eligibility criteria and providing mechanisms for quick communication between potential grantees and the Foundation.
  • Implement best practices for responsive design to improve accessibility across mobile devices and tablets.


  • Refresh and elevate the branding of the Moody Foundation, providing a new logo, color palette and style guide.
  • Showcase the Foundation’s mission, history and areas of interest on the home page of the site.
  • Provide home page access to the grant and scholarship applications process and information about what opportunities are currently available.
  • Include featured grants on the home page as a way of demonstrating the foundation’s impact and reinforcing its priorities
  • Build a better URL structure for easier navigation, recognition and branding.
  • Begin to implement Google Analytics to gain a better understanding of site performance and traffic trends


  • Simple, responsive site design presenting priority content that serves the Foundation’s key audiences
  • Custom page designs for all top level landing pages
  • Cohesive branding with a modern style and class
  • Development of a regional grantmaking map to help site users better visualize Foundation impact across Texas
  • Google Analytics implementation to initiate tracking capabilities

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