Make-A-Wish Foundation: TeamRaiser Enhancements

Project Description
Charity Dynamics worked with Make-A-Wish America to restructure the log-in and contact record creation process within their TeamRaiser peer-to-peer events. Knowing that we wanted to allow participants new to the registration process to create a contact record first rather than waiting until the end of the registration process, we worked to streamline the process and move the contact creation up front with the log-in process. Now, participants can log in or create a record first, making the registration process more in sync with what is seen today on other websites.
Project Details
Client Make-A-Wish Foundation
Skills Strategy, Engagement, UX Design

- Develop an initial, streamlined registration log-in or contact creation step so that participants can:
- Easily log in using their existing username and password or by social log-in.
- Create an account prior to starting registration either by email or social log-in.
- Recover their username or password or contact someone to help them.
- Easily understand errors that might occur with logging in or creating an account.
- Swiftly be placed in the first step of registration: to create a team, form a team, or join as an individual.
- Be able to track if participants log in or create a record and if they abandon the process.
- While keeping mobile a priority, ensured that the design reflects the simplicity of the newly updated page: either log in or create an account.
- Updated the existing TeamRaiser log-in page to also include the ability to create a contact record which alleviated the need for a custom registration solution.
- Implemented a help link that directs the user to the event manager rather than to a global organization email to allow for quicker support for prospective participants.
- Added custom interactions to the user flow to track abandonment and know who has completed registration for a specific event and who has not.
- Set up Google Analytics tracking on design elements and links, goals to understand user flow, and dashboards to allow user data to inform future updates.

- The refined registration allows prospective participants to quickly log in or easily create an account first.
- Make-A-Wish can now track successful registrations.
- Make-A-Wish can reach out to participants that abandoned registration.
- The process allows for future design updates to be data driven.