Make-A-Wish Foundation: DIY Fundraising Update

Project Description
Charity Dynamics worked with Make-A-Wish America to revamp their existing DIY fundraising program. By helping rename the program as Wish Your Way, we took on the challenge of updating their TeamRaiser blueprint, reviewing and improving the registration flow to help increase registration completion rates, and updating the overall website presence to increase engagement and fundraising done by companies, individuals and families wanting to help fulfill Make-A-Wish’s mission.
To learn more about Wish Your Way, visit
Project Details
Client Make-A-Wish Foundation
Skills Strategy, Engagement, Fundraising, UX Design, Technology

- Alleviate support calls by making the registration easy to follow and complete.
- Improve the year-over-year TeamRaiser build to help increase returning DIY fundraising events.
- Increase registrations and fundraising for the entire program.
- Made it easier for fundraisers to start a fundraising event and to understand how their event can be set up to help their local chapter.
- Revised the registration user experience to make it easier for fundraisers to understand how they can participate and what types of events they can create.
- Updated and redesigned the website to include easy-to-understand fundraising pages and crisp calls to actionto improve fundraising efforts.

- In the first five months since launch (FY18), fundraising engagement is above the Blackbaud (TeamRaiser) benchmarks for DIY programs.
- Over the same time frame, event registration has grown more than 180%, showing vast improvement in the registration process.
- Online revenue is up 17% year over year and gifts at registration have surpassed the previous year’s total.