
Los Angeles Jewish Home

Los Angeles Jewish Home’s mission is to deliver “excellence in senior care reflective of Jewish values.” They provide care in your home, in our community, and on our campuses. Charity Dynamics helped realize this mission by providing content strategy for EOY – a key fundraising time for almost all non-profits. We developed cohesive assets for all digital channels: Email, Lightbox and social.


Project Details

Client Los Angeles Jewish Home
Skills Strategy, UX Design, Web Development


  • Stationery was not responsive in past campaigns
  • Email was the only capture of donations (no lightbox, no social)
  • Grow revenue over the previous two years


  • Prioritize the donate call to action in emails and on the home page of website using a lightbox
  • New addition of a lightbox and social media assets to match the EOY campaign
  • Strategy to add additional sends on the same day and use of senior care stories for copywriting


  • Design consistency across all digital assets
  • Newly designed and developed responsive stationery with stronger open and click-through rate than 2014 and 2015
  • Giving Tuesday raised 50% of the total revenue raised in 2015
  • Number of gifts grew 117% and revenue grew 42% over 2015

How Can We Help You?

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