
Heart & Stroke – Ride for Heart

Project Description

Heart and Stroke needed to transform their Ride for Heart event online presence. Charity Dynamics delivered a new website and fundraising applications that drove particiption and results.

Project Details

Client Heart & Stroke
Skills Fundraising, Technology, Boundless Fundraising
View Ride for Heart


  • Implement and optimize Blackbaud’s Friends asking Friends and Sphere platforms.
  • Create a website design for Ride for Heart that communicates the mission, brand and goals of the Foundation.
  • Transform Ride for Heart participants into active and motivated fundraisers.


  • Implemented Friends asking Friends and Sphere platforms.
  • Redesigned website to focus on driving engagement and fundraising.
  • Provided Boundless Fundraising® tools to make fundraising easy.


  • Ride for Heart site drives visitors to engage by featuring registration and fundraising.
  • Participants using the Boundless Fundraising email badge raised 121% more than other participants.

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