Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation – Optimizely

CCFA invested in the Optimizely platform to have the ability to test and optimize content and engagement pathways (i.e. registration, engagement, donation) across multiple web sites. The platform provided the opportunity to test and evaluate content marketing strategies in real-time, resulting in contextually relevant experiences (or user journey’s) designed to increase engagement across the organization. Charity Dynamics was engaged to create the testing strategies as well as develop the content and implement each test.
Project Details
Client Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
Skills Engagement, UX Design, Technology

- Create a testing strategy to help determine areas of opportunity for CCFA within their digital space, with an eye to increasing engagement and revenues
- Test 1: Test various homepage navigation pathways within main body content to determine if we could increase click-throughs to internal pages/decrease bounce rate from the home page of CCFA,
- Test 2: To increase e-newsletter opt-in tested two variations on a high traffic internal page: on-page banner vs. timed pop-up
- Test 3: Test if visitors to the CCFA home page could be converted into Walk participants utilizing geo-targeted event banners
- Test 4: Increase donation revenue through an increase in donation options (donation array)

- Test 1: In-page navigation successfully increased click-throughs from Home page, increasing time on site and number of pages per visit
- Test 2 proved that offering e-newsletter opt-in on internal pages to be a successful engagement opportunity. Pop-up with single field data-collection out performed standard “click-through to long form” registration option
- Test 3: Event promotional banners on home page achieved between 2.5 to almost 6% registrations, which is significantly higher than a traditional paid display ad – which currently averages 0.08% for similar banner treatment.
- Test 4: Similar transaction numbers were achieved across all three forms. However donors were not deterred by the higher array, as avg. donation from that form was up to 50% higher than the other donation forms.