Children’s Cancer Research Fund: DIY Fundraising

Project Description
Children’s Cancer Research Fund was looking to re-imagine and re-position their existing Do-It-Yourself (DIY) program to capitalize on the explosive growth being realized across the NFP sector, for this type of Peer-To-Peer fundraising program. Although the program was of a healthy size, their was interest to determine if this program could become a significant (seven-figure) revenue stream over the next three – five years. They also wanted to understand the impact on the organization, for example resourcing requirements to support a program of this size. It was important that the base program should be turn-key to implement, as well as scalable over time, to ensure a high return on their initial investment.
Charity Dynamics was engaged to look at the 360 degree view of the program and, if required, rebuild it from the ground up to meet the above objective. The result was a multi-phased approach including a deep Strategy Phase (including a Fundraising Platform Audit), resulting in re-branding of the program, a completely new User Experience (UX/CX) providing greater flexibility and personalization to their fundraisers. Marketing and resourcing/support recommendations designed to increase both acquisition and retention. To learn more, visit CCRF’s Fundraise Your Way.
Project Details
Client Children’s Cancer Research Fund
Skills Strategy, Fundraising, UX Design, Technology, Support

- Limited staff and resources so needed a solution that was turn-key and scalable over time
- The vast majority of DIY programs serve participants raising between $1-$500, however this program had organically attracted a large volume of high value fundraisers. The needs of this audience were not being met by the current solution
- The current set-up was unable to provide the level of personalization their fundraisers desired, nor could it accommodate the complexity and variety of event types (team-based events, ticketed events, community events, etc)
- As an acquisition channel, the program needed a “hook” to be able to break through the noise of competing programs and marketing campaigns
- Charity Dynamics started the engagement with an audit of the current program and deep discovery of the organization to uncover the opportunities and possible barriers to achieving their goals
- A comprehensive strategy was developed that addressed the Program Leadership & Management, the Digital Solution (from platform recommendations to UX design), Audience Targeting, Branding & Creative, Marketing (Acquisition, Retention & Stewardship), as well as Participant Support

- End-to-end program developed that supports every touch point with current and potential DIY fundraisers (and their donors)
- Transitioned from a single DIY experience to a Hub Model allowing for greater flexibility and customizations, that can accommodate a variety of event types
- Participant feedback is that they are loving the new site and the customized and personalized event experience the digital platform provides
- Revenue for the program is forecasting to be 112% of plan, positioning them well on their way to reach their seven figure revenue goal ahead of schedule