
Our Services

Enhanced Deployment of Blackbaud teamraiser® pc3

Providing nonprofits with a proven, more engaging and more user-friendly Participant Center 3.

Brand Integration

Builds organizational and event program brand awareness using your logo and color palette.

Simple App Search

Drives more mobile app downloads (where applicable) from PC3 dashboard.

Higher Conversion

Increases task engagement per session on PC3 dashboard.

Improved Client Success

Leads to fewer support cases related to PC3 usability.


Charity Dynamics’ turnkey PC3 enhancement is easy to leverage — at a fraction of the cost of a fully customized solution.

Based on insights gathered across dozens of custom-built participant centers for some of the largest and most innovative nonprofits, the Enhanced TeamRaiser solution offers a proven, data-driven layout and design option that generates greater engagement from event participants and helps them more easily achieve their fundraising goals.

Ready to enhance your teamraiser?
Schedule a demo today!