
Our Products

enhancements TM

Step into the future with cutting-edge innovations to enhance your mobile app and supercharge your event.

WHy BOUNDLESS Enhancements?


Take the Lead

Stay ahead of the pack by adapting to the current fundraising environment and trends. Get creative with new technologies to incorporate unique features into your Boundless Fundraising mobile app.

Custom-Build Your Ideas

Enhance your virtual event experience with customizations that embody your mission or event to maximize participant activity. The more they engage, the more they raise!

Make it Interactive

Ensure your fundraisers have a blast interacting with amazing technology. From personalized content to mission-focused challenges, offer participants a truly holistic experience.

Be the Inspiration

Promote your mission and connect with supporters through enhanced features. You’ll empower your fundraisers to reach their goals and share their experience with others.

Boundless enhancements In Action

Participants can uncover their creativity and motivation by engaging with the following Boundless Enhancements:

Participant Avatars
Everyone loves to personalize a cartoon version of themselves to express their creativity and individuality – especially in this virtual event world.
Mission Badges
Drive home why your fundraising-fueled work in the world matters with inspirational learn & earn mission badges.
Mission Badges
Drive home why your fundraising-fueled work in the world matters with inspirational learn & earn mission badges.

Corporate Spotlights

You can leverage corporate sponsorships by tying them to event goals or total participant activity.

Corporate sponsors can gain added value and impressions by integrating logos and mission-focused push notifications.

From Our Clients

“We needed to transition one of our largest, cross-country, in-person events to a virtual model and continue to provide a unique experience for people.

With the help of Boundless Motion and custom avatars, we were able to deliver that unique experience online, engage our participants and volunteers, and exceed our revenue goal during such a challenging time.”

Lesa O'Brien

Vice President, Digital Marketing and Solutions, Canadian Cancer Society

Ready to bring your mobile app into the future?