It’s the season to give thanks and what better way to show our appreciation than by reliving our youth and creating Gratitude Turkeys just like we did in elementary school.

You remember those, right? You simply trace your hand, write what you’re thankful for on each of the “feathers”, and then add some creative flair to make it fly.

Check out some of the Dynamo’s creative ways they give thanks this year!

Brenda, Sr. UX and Creative Director

Brenda created her gratitude turkey and spread joy for all the wonderful things in her life. Thankful for work, thankful for family, thankful for music, and of course thankful for wine!

Her turkey is so joyous, it’s even singing and dancing – perhaps it had one too many glasses of pinot?

Jeremy, Sr. Director of Marketing

Jeremy recruited his kindergartener to assist in showing gratitude.

His six year old was eager to show his appreciation for his brother, his grandparents and seemed extremely appreciative of Mom. It does appear that Dad is written much smaller than mom – and relegated to pinky.

Perhaps Jeremy should allow him an extra helping of pumpkin pie this year to earn back his good graces.

Josh, UX Designer

Josh may not have written his gratitudes on the turkey, but we know he’s thankful for creativity and putting a spin on the traditional concept.

As you can see, it’s a picture of a turkey holding a picture of a turkey, who’s holding a picture of a turkey.

Is that confusing? Possibly – but not as confusing as realizing that this bird can speak english… and in abbreviations!


Marcie, Principal Fundraising Consultant

If this year had taught us anything, it’s that we should be thankful for the the things in our life that allowed us to keep on going during a worldwide pandemic.

Without being face to face in an office, we relied on Zoom to host meetings and happy hours. Without the gym being open, we relied on Peleton to keep us active and in shape. And we should all be thankful for “Schitt’s Creek” which gave us a wonderful, and hilarious, television show to talk about at the virtual water cooler.

Marcie is also thankful for those that wear their masks, although the CDC does say it should go over the beak.

Mariano, VP, Business Development

Mariano expressed his gratitude for the work we do and showcased a few of our awesome clients in the process!

As the Baron of Boundless, he highlighted a few of the products we create including Boundless Motion and Mobile Check Deposit.

This holiday season, we’re thankful for our sales team always thinking about sales!

Roy, Product Support Analyst

Roy really grabbed this project by the feathers and created a beautifully artistic turkey.

He showed his gratitude for friends and family, “bizness” at Charity Dynamics and of course we can all be thankful for streaming services this year.

2020 was the year that we were government mandated to Netflix and chill.

Tara, Principal Consultant

Tara shows her gratitude for family, faith and friends.

And a gratitude turkey just wouldn’t be complete without showing appreciation for the finest of Thanksgiving foods. No, she’s not talking about stuffing or cranberry sauce. Everyone should be thankful for… guacamole.

Save the turkeys, eat an avocado!

We hope you enjoyed a sampling of the Dynamo’s gratitude turkeys and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! 

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