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Engage by Charity Dynamics Is Ready For The big day
by Charity Dynamics
As a fundraiser, you’re always thinking ahead to the next big thing:
“Our walk is in three months.”
“Giving Tuesday is just one month away”
“We’re launching our first Giving Day in the spring.”
Any of this sound familiar?
You roll up your sleeves and cross items off the never-ending to-do list so that each of these major fundraising moments is a success. But what are your supporters doing during that time in between? Are they staying connected to your mission or is their last interaction becoming a fading memory?
They say it’s more about the journey than the destination. And this is where our newest mobile app — Engage by Charity Dynamics — comes into play.

While we may not always know what your constituents are doing, we do know where they’re spending much of their time, and it’s on mobile apps. People are spending an average of four hours a day on their mobile phones — and 90% of that time is spent in mobile apps.
That’s really not that surprising, to be honest. When I think about how much time I spend in my mobile apps before I even get started with my day — email apps, my weather app, apps for my kids’ myriad sports teams — it’s not that hard to get to four hours.
Engage is designed to meet your constituents where they are (on their phones, inside apps) to continue to strengthen and grow their relationship with your brand and mission year-round.
Not only that, creating a space for like-minded individuals to come together and be part of something bigger than ourselves fuels engagement.

Here are a few of the ways Engage allows your mission to become part of your constituents’ everyday lives:
A personalized user experience empowering individual’s to engage in a the relationship with your organization. You can present and curate you organizations stories and share critical information, host community forums, and engage your supporters in mission-related activities — Each of these can be tailored to interest groups you create to serve up relevant content to unique audience segments
Curated content, that’s timely and relevant to increase awareness and build affinity for your mission. This includes stories by topic, announcement screens and targeted push notifications to bring attention to the right content at the right time.
Customized communities where people can connect, learn and share. Individual forums can be tagged to different topics and tied to specific groups. Individuals have the ability to opt into various communities and actively engage in the conversation.
Activity challenges providing an engagement factor encouraging the community to take action – this could be mission related, activity to improve their health and mental well-being, or raise their voices to increase awareness of your mission. Community members can also motivate each other by sending “cheers” to celebrate completed challenges within the app or on social media.
In addition, you’ll have access to real-time reporting so you can measure the impact of your content to better understand your supporters needs and wants, then optimize it based on those insights within your Administrator Portal.
Another great Engage feature is that you can schedule content in advance, so when you’re focused on that next big fundraising moment, you can rest assured that your constituents will continue to have ways to connect with your mission, all from the palm of their hand.

Would you like to see how the Charity Dynamics team can show you a personalized demo of Engage by Charity Dynamics?