by Kim Keith | Technology
Like everyone in today’s quarantined world, the Charity Dynamics’ team has been using Zoom for internal and client meetings to stay connected and keep our projects moving forward. One of Zoom’s features that we’ve noticed bringing a lot of laughter, joy and...
by Charity Dynamics | Fundraising, Strategy, Technology
If you have somehow missed the global phenomenon that is Baby Yoda, I highly recommend doing a quick Google search to see what all the fuss is about. Baby Yoda Inspires an Environment That Supports Innovation In a time where we are seeing fragmentation on a global...
by Charity Dynamics | Fundraising, Strategy, Technology
Growing up I was enthralled with Sesame Street, and during the holidays, all I could be heard singing around the house was the Count’s “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.” We don’t think about it much as adults, but your front teeth are really important!...
by Charity Dynamics | Technology
Anyone with a mobile device is familiar with the concept of push notifications. We appreciate the mostly unobtrusive reminder that our best friend has just sent us a text, that the email we’ve been waiting on has finally arrived, or that our favorite airline app has...
by Charity Dynamics | Technology
When you need guidance, would you rather read or watch content to learn the answer? The battery in my car died recently and my neighbor offered to jump it. Given it had been about a decade since either of us had performed this service, I reached into the glove...
by Charity Dynamics | Technology
Baseball Goes International Tips to Weather the Transition How to Get Started with GDPR Compliance I recently returned from a wonderful two-week vacation in Portugal. It was lovely — contact me if you’re planning a trip, I have some great recommendations. One of the...