
Audit Your Segmentation

As discussed in the previous post in this series, developing a long-term strategy for engagement requires that you first take stock of the current state of your organization’s assets and audience. This helps you highlight where you are hitting the mark and identify...

Audit Your Messaging

Developing a long-term strategy for engagement requires that you first take stock of the current state of your organization’s assets and audience. A thorough analysis of your nonprofit’s present situation enables you to establish key benchmarks that can be used to...

365 Member Engagement

Member engagement is at the center of every successful association’s marketing plan. On Wednesday December 3, Abila and Charity Dynamics will be hosting a webinar about how many associations are putting year-round member engagement at the center of their marketing...

Maximize Your Retainer Hours

There are many reasons your organization might benefit (or already have) from a strategic retainer with Charity Dynamics. At Charity Dynamics, we structure our retained service relationships to ensure on-demand resources of project management, design, consulting, web...