Web Accessibility: Getting Started

Web Accessibility: Getting Started

Improving your organization’s approach to web accessibility is essential in order to provide an inclusive environment for anyone who visits your site, including people with disabilities. In earlier posts, we discussed the definition and importance of web accessibility...
Accessibility: POUR it on thick!

Accessibility: POUR it on thick!

With so much of our lives taking place online anymore, web accessibility, or the ability of those with disabilities to access the web just as fully as those without disabilities, is becoming increasingly top of mind for businesses and organizations (and legally...
What Is Web Accessibility?

What Is Web Accessibility?

What is web accessibility and why should we be talking about it? Simply put, it means that people of all abilities (including those with disabilities) can use your website. Web accessibility ensures that all users, no matter who they are or what devices they use, have...
Nonprofits, Get Unified!

Nonprofits, Get Unified!

A few weeks ago, the Charity Dynamics design team dropped in on Cameron Moll’s Invision webinar on Unified Design. We listened over the course of that hour as Moll led us through an exploration of the various issues that can arise when users interact with the same...