by Charity Dynamics | UX Design
Special Olympics Texas To kick off volunteer week, a small team of us helped organize t-shirts and supplies for the Special Olympics Texas (SOTX) at their new facility here in Austin. We spent most of our time in the warehouse (it has A/C, thankfully). There were lots...
by Charity Dynamics | Technology
As a nonprofit, you might have a digital strategy or at least you’ve considered how digital channels effect your communication strategy. I recently went to a workshop about SEO essentials for business owners. While I have considered SEO in content strategies for...
by Charity Dynamics | Strategy
Some people behave as though they were natural born fundraisers, confidently approaching and bringing in both big and small donors with what looks like total ease. Most people working in the non-profit sector, however, have to work hard at acquiring the skills that...
by Charity Dynamics | UX Design
I hope you enjoyed my last blog post, 5 Ways to Pop on Pinterest, on how using Pinterest can benefit your nonprofit organization. In this post I’m going to give you some original ideas on how to use the Pinterest fails of your supporters to do good. I have to...
by Charity Dynamics | Strategy
While it’s true that fundraising can and does take many forms, at the end of the day, it’s still the process of convincing supporters, companies, other charities and government agencies to give to your organization. It’s hard work that takes special skills...