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5 BBCON Sessions You Won’t Want to Miss
BBCON is Blackbaud’s annual technology conference for the global social good community. It will be taking place October 12-15, and this year’s event will be completely virtual. Registration is free and there is no need to travel, so it’s never been easier to attend BBCON sessions and enjoy some informative and inspiring content.
The Charity Dynamics team has been eagerly reviewing the list of this year’s sessions, and we found these five sessions you should not miss.
How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing the Social Sector
How SMS Has Helped One Organization Raise $8M
Short Message Service, better known as SMS, is a ubiquitous technology that allows the sending of text messages. Since this technology works on practically all mobile phone types and operating systems worldwide, there is enormous potential for charities to tap into SMS as a fundraising channel. While there have been some prominent success stories, many organizations have yet to crack the code for text-based fundraising success.
In this session, you can look forward to taking a deep dive into one recent successful SMS fundraising campaign and taking away new ideas for your organization’s own SMS initiatives and mobile fundraising solutions.
The Great Reset: Recent Trends and the Road Ahead
Bring Your Mission to Life with Your Digital Experience
The pandemic has led to a dramatic rise in virtual and hybrid fundraising events, and this has led many nonprofits to worry that their participants are missing out on experiencing their missions firsthand.
But, as these digital experiences continue to evolve, they also present a new way to educate participants and inspire them to fundraise. In this session, experts from Charity Dynamics and MD Anderson Cancer Center will share how MD Anderson kept its mission front and center for the Boot Walk to End Cancer. This one is definitely among the BBCON sessions you do not want to miss.
Picture This: A Story of Data Visualization
In many cases, the challenge today’s nonprofit leaders face isn’t a lack of data; the real challenge is making sense of the data we have. Today, we’re swimming in rivers of information that flow constantly from many sources. How do we distill it down to a form that makes sense and provides actionable insight?
This year’s BBCON sessions include a number of promising data-focused information; but, this one caught our eye because we believe in the power of data storytelling to refocus priorities and transform organizational cultures. In this session you will receive an overview of how data visualization works. You will also hear the story of how the Eastern Michigan University Foundation successfully transitioned to visual analytics, and what happened when its fundraising data suddenly became more accessible and transparent.
Casey Neese is a Principal Consultant at Charity Dynamics
He hopes you enjoy your BBCON experience.