2020 Canadian PEER-TO-PEER TOP 30 GUIDE
Charity Dynamics recently partnered with the P2P Professional Forum on the release of the 2020 Canadian P2P Fundraising Top Thirty — a ranking of Canada’s top 30 peer-to-peer event fundraising programs.
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check out our new infographic!
Without a doubt, the past year has been unprecedented and affected all aspects of life, including fundraising. However, the strange year didn’t stop the Top 30 events in Canada from raising well over $100 million dollars!
Download our P2P Top 30 Infographic in order to:
- Check out the rankings and see who moved up to take the #1 spot!
- Love data? Dig in with us and review the trends and insights.
- Sue Dalos, Director of Digital Strategy and Customer Success, shares advice on tactics you can implement today to ensure a successful 2021.